Generating GIS responsive web applications

GEO Generator

Create, customize and publish your own mapping applications! Business Geografic’s GEO Generator capitalizes on Business Geografic’s web GIS platform to offer an easy, innovative and powerful way to build your customized cartographic applications based on your own data. This Generator also uses HTML5 and CSS3.

Business Geografic’s GEO Generator enables you to generate tailored cartographic applications enriched with value-added features in record time, to showcase your territory.

This Generator follows Business Geografic’s innovative guidelines. It also complies with Business Geografic’s requirements of simplicity, interactivity and ergonomics. It was designed for all of you: Geomatics Experts and novices, Tourism Professionals, web communications agencies, etc.



Import the data you wish to display on a map in a normalized format.

Choose the web template of your choice; customize the style of your map, the zoom layering, the symbology of your layers, the formatting of your information sheets, the contents of your information widgets, etc.

Your Geo-Application is available in your Catalogue of Geo-Applications.


This Generator harnesses Business Geografic’s powerful and rich-featured web GIS platform.

Build your search functionalities, topics and cartographic analysis. Whether they are simple or intricate, it’s a matter of just a few mouse clicks. Indeed, the Generator provides all the necessary tools to enable you to customize and enrich your Geo-Applications with absolute autonomy.

Integrate value-added mapping services in just a few cliks: your Geo-Application is also interconnected with all of Business Geografic’s GEO Services.


All you need to do now is publish your Geo-Application on your website to share it.
Your Geo-Application uses HTML5 and CSS3; it will look great whatever the hardware: personal computer, tablet or smartphone.

Should you have any question of specific needs, please contact us. Business Geografic’s web GIS platform was chosen by thousands of users from the public and private sectors worldwide for its ability to answer all kinds of cartographic purposes.


Innovative, powerful, communicative

Business Geografic’s GEO Generator makes it quicker and easier to generate beautiful, efficient and communicative mapping applications based on GIS leading-edge technologies.




Business Geografic
49, avenue Albert Einstein - BP 12074

Phone / Fax

Phone: +33 (0)4 72 69 16 80
Fax: +33 (0)4 78 93 85 00
